# Introduction

This is a very opinionated modified version of the Laravel framework which aims at providing strong type hinting with improved IDE support.

# Core Principles

See the app/Domain/User (opens new window) directory for an example Model, Action & Data structure.

# Directory Structure

  • app/App: Code that is required to run the core application.
  • app/Domain: Domains
  • app/Support: Abstract classes, interfaces, traits to support the Domains

# Requirements

# Getting Started

Start lando development container

lando start

Link storage folder

lando artisan storage:link

Migrate database

lando artisan migrate:fresh

Create a new Nova user

lando artisan nova:user

# Additional Packages

# Generator commands

In order to provide a quick kickstarting there are many generator commands.

  • php artisan make:model [...] --domain [...] (Tip: Provide a --all flag to create associated classes)
  • php artisan make:factory [...] --domain [...]
  • php artisan make:repository [...] --domain [...]
  • php artisan make:resource [...] --domain [...]
  • php artisan make:migration [...] --domain [...] (Coming Soon)

# GitHub Actions

# Laravel Nova

You will need to define your Laravel Nova credentials via the NOVA_USERNAME and NOVA_LICENSE_KEY GitHub secrets.

# Tools

# PHP-CS-Fixer

lando phpcs fix

# PHPStan

lando phpstan

# Model-Doc Generator

lando artisan model-doc:generate