# Hooks

Hooks allow the modification of a Structs body or attributes.

# Adding hooks to Structs

use romanzipp\Seo\Helpers\Hook;

$hook = Hook::make()
    ->callback(function ($body) {
        return $body;

Method 1: Call the SeoService::hook() method to apply a given $hook to a Struct class.

use romanzipp\Seo\Structs\Title;

seo()->hook(Title::class, $hook);

Method 2: Apply the $hook directly to the Struct.

use romanzipp\Seo\Structs\Title;


Both methods are basically the same, choose which one you prefer.

# Examples

For example, you want to append a site name to the body of every <title> tag:

# Modify the body of all Title Structs.

use romanzipp\Seo\Helpers\Hook;
use romanzipp\Seo\Structs\Title;

        ->callback(function ($body) {
            return ($body ? $body . ' | ' : '') . 'Site-Name';
use romanzipp\Seo\Structs\Title;

seo()->add(Title::make()->body('Home'));  // <title>Home | Site-Name</title>
seo()->add(Title::make()->body(null));    // <title>Site-Name</title>

# Modify any attribute of the OpenGraph Struct which has the attribute property with value og:site_name

use romanzipp\Seo\Helpers\Hook;
use romanzipp\Seo\Structs\Meta\OpenGraph;

        ->whereAttribute('property', 'og:site_name')
        ->callback(function ($attributes) {

            $attributes['new'] = 'This will be added to all meta tags with property="og:site_name"';

            return $attributes;

# Modify the content attribute of the OpenGraph Struct which has the attribute property with value og:title

use romanzipp\Seo\Helpers\Hook;
use romanzipp\Seo\Structs\Meta\OpenGraph;

        ->whereAttribute('property', 'og:title')
        ->callback(function ($content) {
            return ($content ? $content . ' | ' : '') . 'Site-Name';
use romanzipp\Seo\Structs\Meta\OpenGraph;

$seo->add(OpenGraph::make()->property('title')->content('Home'));  // <meta ... content="Home | Site-Name" />
$seo->add(OpenGraph::make()->property('title')->content(null));    // <meta ... content="Site-Name" />

# Reference

# Hook Instance

use romanzipp\Seo\Helpers\Hook;

$hook = Hook::make();

$hook = new Hook;

# Hook Targets

# Target Struct Body

You will receive $body parameter of type null|string in the callback function

    ->callback(function ($body) {
        return $body;

# Target any Struct Attribute

You will receive $attributes parameter of type array in the callback function

    ->callback(function ($attributes) {
        return $attributes;

# Target a specific Struct Attribute

You will receive $attribute parameter of type null|string in the callback function

    ->callback(function ($attribute) {
        return $attribute;

# Hook Filters

Filter Structs by $attribute with value $value

$hook->whereAttribute($attribute, $value);